Friday, October 11, 2013

Introduction :)

Hi pretties! 

I just wanna do an introduction post before i put up any beauty blogs. :)

Well... you can call me Shinju. I'm 20 years old and I'm from Cebu, Philippines. I'm a college student taking up bachelor of tourism management. I have other blogs but i became so inactive on posting stuffs since college is such a pain on the butt. urgh. 

So...I like taking care of my skin. I'm such a skincare junkie. I can't sleep without doing my 'face ritual' as my mom called it. I like to spend some time reading articles about skin care than opening my notes and study for my exam lol I also like make-up. I'm not that good in putting make-up on but i'm learning ;) 

After this post, i'm going to start my official beauty blog post. My posts in the future will be product reviews, tutorials, tips and other random information about all the beauty thing.

That's all. thank you :D


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