Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Skincare Routine + Product reviews!

Hi Pretties!

Today, I will share you my skincare routine. My routine is made up of basic skincare, from cleansing up to moisturizing. I will tell you all about the products i used. So here we go!


NIVEA Extra White Repair
Pore Minimiser Scrub
When i wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is wash my face with my Nivea Extra White Repair Pore Minimiser Scrub. This is my most important step in my skincare routine. The product i'm using has a dual purpose as my cleanser and my exfoliator. Honestly speaking, i didn't know that it was a scrub until i first used it. I was really surprised when i felt the tiny beads while scrubbing the product on my face. This product claims to remove impurities and 10 make-up residues (oil, powder, foundation, blush, eye shadow, silicon, eyeliner, coloring, moisturizer residue and sunscreen residue) that cause dullness, acne, and enlarged pores without thinning the skin. The bottle says the deep cleansing formula contains Pearl-Whitening complex, proven to give 10x better whitening effect than Vitamin C. I like this product because it really helps me deal with my acne problems, though it's really hard to tell if it helps reduce the largeness of my pores. I have visible large pores on my nose area and it bothers me a lot every time my friends notices it. My large pores are my biggest concern at the moment (T_T) 


ST. IVES Blemish Control Apricot Scrub
Even though the cleanser i'm using also acts as my exfoliator, i still use my St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub. I don't use this everyday because it will lead to over exfoliation which is bad for your skin because it can increase sensitivity, it can cause irritation, redness and dryness. I only use this twice a week. Exfoliating is important in your skincare routine because it helps you get rid of the dead skin that causes clogged pores. It also helps your moisturizer to penetrate more into the skin deeper. The product claims to prevent blackheads and also minimizes pores. It is an oil-free salicylic acid acne medication. On the back of the bottle, it says this scrub has 100% natural exfoliants that deeply cleans pores and helps stop breakouts before they occur. It is hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and it is dermatologist tested. I have to say that this product is really good! I love it the first time i used it. It doesn't gave me breakouts like how other product users experienced. I guess it's because we all have different skin types and it just so happen that this product really worked well for me. I suggest everyone to stop using whatever product you're using if your skin is not receiving it too well. After using this product, you will definitely feel your skin being renewed with its soft and smooth feeling. 

Step 3 is TONING

RDL Clarifying Toner
A lot of people skip this step because they said it doesn't help their skin at all. But they're wrong! If you're thinking of skipping this step, don't do it! Toners are important because it prepares your skin for the moisturizer. Other than that, it closes your pores thus helping on reducing the penetration of impurities on your skin. I'm using RDL Clarifying Toner with Vitamin E and B5. This is a really cheap toner i bought on the grocery. I was out of toners and decided to look for a new product to test, i found this product and was captivated with its color. It's pink! I love pink and without much reading the bottle, i put it on the basket and paid for it. I have to say that i don't like how it has a tingling cool feeling on my skin. It was my mistake because the product actually contains ethyl alcohol and menthol. But other than that, it really does help me with closing my pores. This product claims to deeply cleanses and refine your skin leaving it rosy pink. It also possesses natural skin care properties to help prevent blackheads and whiteheads from recurring. I have to say, that it really helps me achieve that rosy pink look. I don't really wish for that rosy pink look though, but it does work on me. 


OLAY Natural White Rich
All in one fairness day lotion with SPF 24
This is the second most important part of my skincare routine. It is also important to choose the right moisturizer for your skin. Visit this site to know more about how to choose your moisturizer. Moisturizers are so important because it improves your skin giving it a soft, smooth and delicate look. It gives you a glowing skin which is an essential for looking young and healthy. It will make your skin look vibrant and beautiful too. But just a warning, over using of moisturizers can lead to breakouts because it can make your skin oily. Applying it in the morning is the best time to protect against the sun and it also provides a soft face before applying make-up. I'm using Olay Natural White Rich All-in-One Fairness day lotion with SPF 24. A skincare product with an SPF or Sun Protection Factor is a must to use because they offer protection from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation which causes skin cancers as well as skin aging. I love using my Olay Natural White moisturizer because the product absorbs very fast on my skin leaving it very soft yet natural to look at. It doesn't give the sticky lotion feeling and it also helps me whitens my skin. I have a normal skin and i don't really have problems with acne except on red days but i just read an article that says not to put on moisturizer at night because your skin might depend on your product and no longer produce natural moist. Our skin rejuvenates itself at night when we're sleeping thus having a good amount of sleep is also a very important factor in contributing a healthy and beautiful skin.

I do believe that the key in achieving a healthy, beautiful and young looking skin is effort. If you put effort in taking care of your skin, it will not only help you achieve the look you wanted but also helps you prevent skin illnesses. But it doesn't mean you only need to depend on the skincare products. Eating the right amount of food, eating your veggies and fruits and getting the right amount of exercise is an essential to achieve that healthy skin. Plus, drinking lots of water will keep your skin hydrated. Remember, our skin is made up of water...we get water from taking a bath but that's not enough, we need to feed our skin from the inside as well. 

These are also some random important products i used...

CELETEQUE  DermoScience Hydration
Hydrolyzed Moisturizing Mist
This is my Hydrolyzed Moisturizing Mist by Celeteque. I really like this facial mist. I bought this because i was really intrigued by this product. I heard a lot of Koreans tend to use facial mists a lot and i love how the Koreans take care of their skin. When i bought this, the woman in charge told me that this bottle was the last one and she told me that most of the buyers who bought this were mostly Koreans. I definitely will want to buy another bottle after i finish this. Facial mists helps your face look and feel refreshed and moisturized. We can apply this after we wash our face and before putting on our make-up. But the good thing is, we can even spray this on our faces with our make-up on! This is easy to use and really easy to apply. Celeteque Hydrolyzed Moisturizing Mist is formulated with water from Fuji that has various minerals and trace elements to rejuvenate the skin, making it feel more supple and refreshed. I really recommend everyone of you to try this product! It's really great!

These are my face sheet masks from the Beauty Buffet. I love face sheet masks! This brand is really cheap and you can find this at your nearest Watson store. I really recommend everyone to start using face masks. They are really important as well. Not only they will give you a beautiful soft skin after you use them but also it relieves us from stress. I use these face sheets twice a week. The product says to use it everyday but you know...i got lazy sometimes too. But this is a really great product to use as a pampering treatment to our skin. Try it sometimes!

YOKO Acne Solution
Emergency Spot Remover
 This is my Yoko Acne Sollution Emergency Spot Remover. I bought this because i was having breakouts last month but sadly, this product doesn't really do well in helping me remove my pimples and acne. It does help me stop the swelling though but it does not totally remove the spot. I would give this a 2/5. Even though i don't really like this product, i'm still using this just for the sake of finishing the whole bottle. I will try another acne spot remover and hope it will finally give me the satisfaction this product couldn't gave to me. But, if you're curious. Go on and try this, i'm not telling anyone to not use this. Remember, we all have different skin types. Maybe it just won't work on me but it might work on you. So, give it a try. :)

This my Eyelift Cream by QUICKFX. Honestly, I don't like this too. I think it does not help me reduce the appearance of my dark circles and its puffiness like how they claimed to be. I don't have visible wrinkles so i don't know if it helps me deal with wrinkles. This product is really cheap but i was actually hoping it could at least help a little bit. I'm disappointed with this product. I'm not buying another one of these in the future. If you guys have a product suggestion that i could try, please tell me! 

Lastly, this is my Make-up Remover by Ever Bilena cosmetics. I don't like this at first because it stung my eyes but it really does remove my make-up even the waterproof ones. It says in the bottle, to use this product, you must shake this well and use it with a cotton pad but i use this without any cotton pads or balls. I apply this product directly on the eyes and other parts of my face. But i make sure to be careful in applying this around my eyes because it will definitely stung me again! After applying this, i rinse it off with warm water. Because your cleanser might not be able to clean your make-up off of your face thus applying this first is important. 

I hope you guys had a great time reading my first blog post about my beauty regimen. I hope you'll read more of my posts soon :) I'm sorry it took you so long to finally reach the last part. ^^; Take care pretties!


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